Foreign Lands
Up into the cherry tree
Who should climb but little me?
I held the trunk with both my hands
And looked abroad on foreign lands.
I saw the next-door garden lie,
Adorned with flowers before my eye,
And many pleasant places more
That I had never seen before.
I saw the dimpling river pass
And be the sky's blue looking glass;
The dusty roads go up and down
With people tramping into town.
If I could find a higher tree
Farther and farther I should see,
To where the grown-up river slips
Into the sea among the ships.
To where the roads on either hand
Lead onward into fairyland,
Where all the children dine at five,
And all the playthings come alive.
-Robert Louis Stevenson
My Sweet Jay-
Happy Birthday! I love you so much! I love your imagination, your bravery, your curiosity about life and the world around you, your sweet and loving spirit. You are so observant- nothing gets past you. You know your way around Brenham better some people I know! Your snuggles, kisses, and chivalry are some of the best around. You constantly amaze and challenge me. You are a great friend, big brother, son, and such a big boy. I pray that God does great things in your life. I love you, Jaber Daber!