Friday, July 27, 2012

Blogging...oh yes, I remember you.

I remember when I posted sweet pictures of my crew, funny stories, recipes, it was awesome.  Then silence....  Life was still happening, don't worry about that... just no time to blog.  Between illnesses (lots...), Bradley classes, schooling, diaper changes, meals and so on, there was no time.  Is there magically time now?  Probably not but that's ok.  I want to keep writing, posting,, and quoting.  I love looking back at previous posts and remembering the things I did on a daily basis.  It's fun.  So let me see if I can give a short synopsis of the last few (several?) months....

Even the baby is obsessed with legos.

February:  So I was in the middle of that cute little photography challenge on instagram and Mia got sick so I took care of her instead of taking pictures.  Which is good I think since I'm the mom and all....
Then Tyler was sick and Hunter was sick and Mia was sick and Tyler was sick and Hunter was sick and Jay got an allergic reaction rash and Mia was sick and Tyler was sick and Hunter was sick and Jay was sick.  Yes....back and forth and back and forth for a month a half, a month of wellness and then 2 weeks of sick again.  I'm so over being sick....Hopefully we aren't sick again for years...years I say! Our immune systems are made of solid lead...nothing is getting in here! 

So somewhere in there:
Jay turned 8 and had his first sleepover. 

Mia turned 1!  Ack!  We had a sweet little family party with pink cupcakes and presents.
Hunter lost 2 teeth.
Mia started walking and is so sassy.

Tyler has developed the most adorable little boy lisp
. The girl loves shoes. Sleeps in them.  Will not let us take them off.  

And the summer so far:  Supa fun!

Made a chain for the Official Alabama countdown!

Summer Plans
Swim Lessons (check)
Lots of swimming (still checking)
Friends (will be checking all summer!)
Movie in the Park (check)
Watermelon (check)
Daily Alien Slime Smoothies (aka green smoothies)  (check)
Solar S'mores (check)
Water gun fights
Sleepovers (check)
Annual Alabama vacation

I can't believe summer is almost over.  I'm excited to start planning school.  So fun!  I love school starting.  Pencils, books, crayons, notebooks, the works.  The boys didn't understand why I was so excited in the school section of Target last year.  Me: boys, do you want new crayons and pencils?  Them: No, we have some.  Me: Yeah, but don't you want new ones for the new school year? Them: No. Can we go look at the Legos?  Me: Ugh.  Nevermind.  Maybe they will be excited about new crayons this year? 

Ok, so I realize this post is sort of...lame.  But I feel like I need to update what's been going on just for my own records.  So I don't look back at the posts and say "did we fall off the face of the earth?  What happened between Feb and July?"  I can't remember most of it now so no way I'll remember it later!  Mommy brain.  It's bad. 
So anyway, how have you been?