Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Getting ready for 2010

Looking back at 2009 and thinking about the wonderful times, the changes, challenges, and victories, I am so grateful that we made it through! This was a trying year...big decisions, lessons learned, relationships forever changed. 2010 is a chance to start over, do things differently and I am determined to do all I can to get off to a great start! A good friend of mine recommended Managers of Their Homes to me and I got it for Christmas from my fabulous mother in law! I am so excited about using her ideas and techniques for running my household. Even though I am not in my own house right now I still have to manage my little people, school time, meals, etc. I am doing an okay job but I want to do a great job. I think this book will really help me. (Thanks T!)
Managers of Their Homes by Steven & Teri Maxwell

So, yesterday John took all three boys into town and I stayed home to get things organized!!!! I turned up my Pandora station and started cleaning/tossing/organizing. It was amazing. I got everything accomplished on my To Do list and even had a shower before they got home. Ahh, it was a beautiful day! So here's what my desk area (#1 on the list). I should have taken a Before pic...nah, too embarrassing!This was a maybe around #6 on the list but really glad I got to it. (Just for the record: I didn't actually make a list just sort of made it up as I went.) It's the boy's "free time basket" I stocked it with coloring books, games, cards, puzzles, art supplies, etc so when I need a minute to stir the soup, nurse the baby, rotate laundry or whatever, they can easily grab something to keep them occupied for a few minutes.
(Side note: basket = $1 at the thrift store!)

John and I also sat down and set goals, some financial, some for our family, and some personal. I feel good about where we are starting and hope that this will establish a good start for the new year. I am excited to see where this year takes us. It's always an adventure, no doubt. I wish you and your family a VERY blessed and adventurous 2010!

1 comment:

  1. 'Managers of Their Homes' is a book I will use for years I am sure. I think in the future I would not mind to have paid $100 for it today. One thing....the schedule changes naturally and so getting past the 'Master Schedule' with sticky tack and onto a 'Final Schedule' is tough! And, its okay...have fun and I know you will love the peace it brings. I still rise at 5:30am on weekdays and 6:30am on weekends and that peace alone is priceless. Happy New Year..hurray!! Go Cheryl!!
