Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Playing Duets

Jay and I started piano lessons this month. He is doing Music for Little Mozarts with a little friend and I am doing an adult group class called Music and Muffins. (We drink coffee and eat muffins before we hit the piano lesson!)
My first lesson was on Monday and I loved it. I married into an extremely talented, musical family and the only keyboard I play is the one I am typing on now. So, the music school (where I work...see I need music lessons!) offered an adult group class and I jumped at the chance to finally take some lessons.
I have tried lessons in the past with my talented musical family but something always got in the way and one of us canceled the lesson. So now I am in a class that has a time and other ladies so I have to practice and show up! It's going to be a lot of fun!
Jay and I practiced together today...this is going to be awesome!


  1. That is awesome! LOVE the pics!!!!!

  2. Hey...I recognize that new shirt! That is fantastic little Mozart...for mama too. We also perform duets on our piano but I doubt the freeform nature is as pleasing as what you guys are doing. Now, we just need to develop our puppetry skills and add Jay's piano playing....yes!!

  3. oh! how fun! i look forward to your recital : )
